Eat Your Way to Weight Loss - best of

Eat Your Way to Weight Loss

 Experts tell us that we are what we eat. A disturbing thought when we consider the amount of sugar, fat and white flour consumed daily, hidden in ready meals and fast foods. It's time to change the bad habits we've developed over the past three decades and start eating to improve health, not destroy it!

One vital area of life that requires our attention is this….Learning to respond appropriately to hunger. If we neglect this, weight can increase and well-being can suffer.

Whether you need to lose weight, maintain weight or tone your body; Improper eating habits can compromise your best efforts. These articles will help you begin to understand how to manage hunger in a busy lifestyle.

If it's sticky and sweet, made of sugar and saturated fat, you should only eat it as a rare treat. Can the same be said for a delicious bowl of strawberries, or a juicy sweet orange? That's the problem here? Why do we choose cakes and chocolate over nature's best offering?

If you don't have a true glucose imbalance, one cause may be that sugary treats are deeply connected to our childhoods, where frequently "sweeteners" were given as a reward for good behavior, or to soothe or console the soul. unhappy child. Our memory will automatically associate sweet foods as a reward or comfort. That candy bar or sticky loaf you devour halfway through a stressful afternoon could be your reward for hard work!

If you think you might be using treats as a “reward” or comfort and want to kick the habit, remember that weight gain is not a reward. Then think of a reward that doesn't involve food!

Guard against sugary snack attacks by being prepared and planning your day's eating patterns.

<b>1. Include protein in your breakfast and lunch</b>. </b> Protein is the key to controlling carb cravings. The RDA of protein for women is 60 grams per day. For women who want to lose weight, health professionals recommend around 100 grams of protein per day. Why? One of the main benefits of protein is that it creates a feeling of fullness and satisfaction in the body which makes overeating much less likely. Get your protein from ultra-lean sources so you don't pick up unwanted calories and saturated fat.

Even better, than providing a feeling of sustained fullness, protein can block the triggering effect carbs can have on the brain. If you eat protein with a carb, it will reduce the cravings caused by consuming carbs.

<b>2. Never skip meals</b>. </b> Research has shown that people who skip meals are more prone to obesity than those who regularly eat 3 meals a day. In fact, people who meet their daily dietary requirements by making proper use of healthy snacks do even better. Why is it? When you skip meals, you feel more hungry and fill up on easily obtained fast foods that often trigger foods.

<b>3. Drink 6-8 glasses of water throughout the day.</b> </b> For some people, sugar-laden soft drinks are a trigger food. Make sure you don't feel thirsty in the first place. Water creates a feeling of fullness and has a host of other health benefits.

<b>4. Plan the timing of your meals so you don`t feel hungry. </b> Despite three healthy meals a day, sometimes your work schedule can mean that spacing out those meals still doesn't prevent carb cravings. If you have a long gap between meals, be sure to carry healthy snacks to cover the distance or hunger will set in

<b>5. Plan your snacks</b>. </b> Plan your weekly snack schedule with delicious healthy snacks. Buy these with your weekly purchases so you are fully prepared. If you need to, get up a few minutes earlier in the morning so you have time to get ready and snack for work. Remember, healthy snacks don't live in a vending machine! You're less likely to go hungry when you have a ready supply of healthy snacks.

<b>6. Carry emergency supplies of nutritional protein bars in your purse or brief case. </b> When you feel a carb craving, eat the protein bar instead and wait 30 minutes before acting on the craving. More often than not, the urge will pass and you are in control again. It really works.