If you need an auto insurance adjuster, there are a few facts you need to know before you meet with them. The first rule of thumb is that if your auto insurance adjuster is too friendly, remember that he's there to save money for the company he's working with, not specifically for you.
Never sign anything without reading every detail and never underestimate the goodwill of the auto insurance adjuster. If the adjuster wants to discuss anything over the phone, ask them to meet in person until your insurance claim is settled.
You can be nice to the adjuster, but stay firm. No matter what happened at the scene of the accident, it's not the auto insurance adjuster's fault that the person who hit you was an idiot. Don't underestimate the importance of a trimmer's impressions, as they all go into your file. How you act towards him could affect your insurance claim later.
Even if, for example, your car hit a deer, claims adjusters will even be called in for that too, to estimate the amount of damage to the car. Again, let the trimmer do their job and be friendly. When you hit a deer, it can cause the same damage in some cases as hitting a car, or even worse. Let the auto insurance adjuster examine the damage and make up their own mind about the extent of the damage. Again, don't sign anything until your auto insurance claim is settled.
An independent auto insurance adjuster is also expected to resolve insurance claims promptly. This person may not owe a particular allegiance to a specific insurance company, but they want to collect the fees from the company. An adjuster's power to settle a claim is limited, but the adjuster will do everything possible to ensure that you are treated fairly
The key is not to let an auto insurance adjuster trick you into believing they are your best friend in the world, only to be disappointed later. It's the nature of the job and no matter how nice the adjuster is, he's there to do a job. You don't have much to do with it except provide them with the information needed to assess the damage to your car.
Just be a little careful when dealing with an auto insurance adjuster.