Getting Yourself Fit For The Season - best of

Getting Yourself Fit For The Season

 With the change of the seasons, the change of the wardrobe. Sometimes, however, you find that you can't fit into your clothes like you could a year ago. A recent survey shows that two out of five adults need to lose at least 10 pounds to feel comfortable in a bathing suit. This is why so many people choose this time to start dieting.

If you're starting a weight loss program to prepare your body for the season, here are some tips to get you started:

& # 8226; Challenge yourself. Have a goal and stick to it. Make sure you remember your goal every day.

& # 8226; Select a date. Starting your weight loss plan early gives you plenty of time to shed those unwanted pounds. Choose a weight loss program that's easy to follow, fits into your lifestyle, and produces quick results.

& # 8226; Get a buddy. Enlist the support of a friend to help you achieve your weight loss goals. Studies show that people who have the support of a buddy tend to stick to their diet more than those who fly solo.

& # 8226; The garden to "eat". Eat more fruits and vegetables. Not only are these foods good for your waistline, they are nutritious and keep you hydrated.

& # 8226; Put a little spring in your step. Whether that means parking your car further away than usual or taking a pet to the park, try to make exercise a part of your daily routine. Even 20 minutes a day adds up.

& # 8226; Spring fling. Host a dinner party for your friends and make sure there are plenty of healthy food options. Try grilling lean proteins like chicken and tuna instead of frying or baking them. You can add a variety of seasonings and spices to change up the routine.

& # 8226; Space it out. Studies show that eating smaller meals throughout the day can be effective in the weight loss process because they help curb your hunger. If you eat six small meals a day, you will feel less hungry between meals. Plan your meals in advance to avoid last-minute splurges.

& # 8226; Drink. If you participate in outdoor activities, remember to stay hydrated. Avoid calorie-laden beverages such as soda, lemonade, and sweet tea. Water is always the best choice.